Nominate someone or a company
for an ACE award
ACE Awards
We are passionate about customer experiences and are always on the lookout for an Amazing Customer Experience. Whether the one-time actions of a dedicated employee or the cultural norm of an amazing business, we are committed to recognizing those ACEs when we witness them. While ACE Awards will take many forms, from public announcements to private acknowledgement and praise, we are excited to do our part to elevate the awareness of the importance of the experience in today's business and reward amazing!
If you've had an Amazing Customer Experience, or do business with a company that consistently offers an extraordinary experience, please let us know about it.
Our First ACE Award Goes to...
Bob Cutter!
After the destruction caused by the Waldo Canyon Fire, Mayor Steve Bach called upon Bob Cutter, longtime resident and technology business executive, to form an independent, community driven, volunteer team to coordinate the fire restoration efforts in Mountain Shadows. Cutter, without hesitation or regard for the impact on his own time, immediately sprang into action, rallying a team of business and community leaders. After organizing the team, launching a new website, and establishing a communications strategy to correspond directly with the impacted residents, he also set up a temporary community resource center located within the affected neighborhood to serve those most directly affected by the fire.
Now recognized by many agencies across the nation as a model for similar restoration efforts, the success of Colorado Springs Together is largely attributable to Cutter’s leadership. More than just heading up a diverse group of volunteers, he also insisted on providing an extraordinary recovery experience for the residents of Mountain Shadows and victims of the fire. He enabled an amazing recovery by ensuring a steady stream of support, timely information, compassionate guidance, and ultimately facilitated a dizzyingly fast and effective rebuilding process.